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Tuesday, October 16, 2007


(July 2006)

As part of my course requirements for the Medical Herbalism course I'm plowing through, I have been asked to produce a Bush Flower Essence of my own choice, based on a plant that hasn't been commercially produced. After which I'm to test on myself for the following fortnight, and record any "side-effects", changes, improvements, etc. Classic hedge-witch practice, formalized in my course:)

I have a couple of natives coming into flower at the moment, and a few more in the adjacent bushland, but I was drawn to a beautiful Cootamundra Wattle in glorious bloom on my fence line.

After communicating with the tree on Thursday afternoon, and gaining permission to share its energy, I spent Friday afternoon vitalising the essence – the Mother gave us full sunshine for the whole time! Now, the time of day in which an essence is produced influences the healing outcome, in the same way that the phase of the moon has significance in our spellwork, garden planting, etc. A weaker morning sun signifies a fresh start, a complete change of attitude; a hot midday sun may elicit a sudden change which may not always be recommended; a late afternoon sun reminds us of a transitionary time. Also at play here is the Doctrine of Signatures, and the way the essence work on our chakras, (which also had bearing on my choice, BTW) According to this rule, the essence I've produced should support change and transition.

Well, two days on, and the effects are beginning(and I hope it's not just psychosomatic ). I'm sleeping like a log – the brain actually shuts down and lets me rest, I feel peaceful, where for the last week I've had a hammering anxiety in my belly, cathartic b.m.-s. And my guide is very near, perched on my right shoulder and tapping me on the head to get my attention. I can feel him, almost hear him whispering I'm at the same time excited and fearful, not yet ready to let him come through, but feel at a turning-point. I plan to go bush this afternoon, and allow him take me on a journey…

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